Lords Ayurveda Research Center

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Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Nature’s embrace, wellness at its best:
Ayurveda school by the beach

Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

The practice of Ayurveda can truly enhance
the quality of your life

Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Unwind, rejuvenate, and learn:
Ayurveda’s coastal sanctuary awaits

Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Transform Your Health with Authentic Ayurvedic
Care from “Lords”

Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Anything you do to stay attentive and
healthy is “Yoga”

Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Education is not preparation for life,
education is life itself

Welcome To Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Yoga takes you into the present moment.
The only place where life exists




icon About Us

Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Lords Ayurveda Research Center adept at traditional Ayurvedic therapies and ayurveda courses, panchakarma and yoga courses & training gears up all the Ayurveda aspirants to be successful . The endeavour on spreading the knowledge on Ayurveda put forward by our institute brought us to the magnificent place among the Top Ayurveda and Panchakarma Institute in India. This extensive experience on teaching- certified Ayurveda courses, Panchakarma courses and Yoga courses plays a significant role in the emerging Ayurveda lifestyle in every corner of the world.

Lords Ayurveda school have vowed to make the lead in forming a broader alliance of ayurveda students to the spectacular world. Never leaving the traditional paths but making it easier in an adaptive and soluble form with the modern techniques, we introduce ayurveda, panchkarma and yoga courses . Students from different corners of the world made fabulous remarks in Ayurveda by joining our ayurveda school. Mentors of this academy with their articulate account of experience raise up students of ayurveda by helping them to use their knowledge in ayurveda wisely and to get good grades.
The treatment facilities , therapy courses , study materials, comfortable atmosphere, 24hr help desk,easy and modern products based on ayurveda, health tourism, etc that we provide always make us unique from other basic Ayurveda schools.

“Ayu : kamaya manena Dharmartha sukhasadanam

Ayurvedopadesheshu videya : Paramadara :” ( A.H.S 1 / 2 )

Those who desire a long life for achieving righteousness, wealth and happiness should repose utmost faith in the teachings of Ayurveda. We consider a patient’s privacy and we put our ultimate ability to ensure a healthy relief through Ayurvedic Treatments Your life only gets better when you have a right choice on health and health guidance. Our team of well accomplished and skillful doctors and therapists helps you to achieve the peak of satisfaction in your health and wellness. Our Ayurvedic mantras keep you away from diseases and maintain health and fitness. Care yourself , keep no restrictions , explore the wide opportunities in Ayurveda and pursue your ancestral health care routines and knowledge. We promise safety and you will definitely achieve a state of harmony of body , mind and soul thought this ayurveda school in kerala.

Reserve Your Course Now

Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Top One Ayurveda institute in Kerala, we are committed to keep the highest quality possible for all our Ayurveda Courses; So we take only limited number of students each month, if you are sure attending a program reserve your seat now.

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Lords Ayurveda
icon Certification

Invest Time in Education – It Pays the Best Result

If you are looking to increase your credentials, our Ayurveda training programmes help you immensely to establish yourself as a candidate with a deep understanding of Ayurveda therapies, Panchakarma and Yoga.
We help you to accomplish a great schooling through our training programmes and educational courses on Ayurveda.
We are providing you a better life with better opportunities and enlightening your wisdom through Ayurvedic Study Courses.A better tomorrow always belongs to those who prepare for it today.

  • Educational courses on Ayurveda
  • Treatment facilities
  • Therapy courses
  • Study materials
  • Comfortable atmosphere
  • 24hr help desk
  • Easy and modern approach
  • Health tourism

People inside and outside the country approach us with great desire to get education from a certified and qualified school. We are recognised schools by government authority and we provide the certificates under the affiliation of STED Council (Scientific and Technical Educational Development Council) and BSS(Bharat Sevak Samaj). All career oriented courses running under this institute are recognised by the STED and BSS can be used for self employment purposes without any doubt.
These short term courses , diploma courses etc reorganize you to deal with the present situation of various pandemics and also open new career options and give a hand to make milestones over it . There is no age limit or any restriction to join our courses. All you need is an ambitious and passionate mind to learn Ayurveda.

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icon Why Choose Us

Lords Ayurveda Research Center

Lords Ayurveda Research Center have vowed to make the lead in forming a broader alliance of ayurveda students to the spectacular world.

Ayurveda is the science of life and deals with welfare of mankind.

Any one who has zeal to improve himself or herself and want to see the world with a new angle.

In the study material you would get assignments. Completed assignments will be evaluated by our experts. You will get back the remarks to improve yourself.

We know you want to hear from those who have already experienced this life changing training in their words.

It is one of the oldest scientific medical systems in the world, with a long record of clinical experience. However, it is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of curing disease. It is also a way of life that teaches us how to maintain and protect health.
