Lords Ayurveda Research Center

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Ayurveda Massage & Panchakarma Therapy

Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy (AMPT)

Course : Ayurveda Massage & Panchakarma Therapy
Course Name : Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy (AMPT)
Course Duration : 4 Weeks
New Session : 03 February 2025
Course Type : Online or Offline

Are you seeking for Kerala Authentic Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy ? Here is your answer. The most renown and reputed Ayurveda academy in Kerala present you before the Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy course . This is one of the top rated Ayurveda school in Kerala with experienced faculties to teach you the traditional massage and natural way of healing. Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy course is for those who want to know the natural healing system which helps themselves and others to correct their daily regimen and acts as a mentor for their healthy life , prevents diseases,maintain health and cure diseases.

That is why our doctors team works on such a marvelous way to mould the students to explore the Ayurveda medical system and thus building a healthy life and a better career. This course speaks in simple and easy way that a student can understand very easily.

Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy course is a short term Ayurveda course of duration 1 month, which teaches Ayurveda therapies in three session. First introductory session will be dealing with Ayurveda origin, aim,branches of ayurveda and principles in Ayurveda. Why these principles are important ?

Panchamahabhutas: – 5 elements which helps in development and origin of body.
Tridoshas: – These are the fundamental forces which helps in body for its function.
Sapta dhatus: – These are the tissue elements in body such as Rasa (lymph,fluidpart), rakta(blood), mamsa(muscle), meda(fat), asthi(bones) , majja(bone marrow) and sukra(reproductive sector).
Agni and Koshta: – The digestive fire & types of alimentary tract , this really helps to know our
problems related to digestion, body system and dose of medication to be administrated by analyzing hunger and stool.
Deha prakriti (Body type): – How to recognize the body type of a person and how to treat them
with apt ayurvedic treatments.

Kerala Ayurveda Traditional Massages and Therapies:
– It comprises of Body massage(Abhyanga),Bolus bag massages(panda sweda), Shiro dhara (pouring medicated milk/ oil/ buttermilk over forehead), local vasty(local vata treatments for cervical, lower back, knees), eye treatment, ear treatment, face & head massages and so on. Classes regarding Ayurveda oils and equipments used for these therapies are also covered up in this session.

Panchakarma : – 5 detoxification therapies in Kerala Ayurveda. Details explanation, theory and practicals are included.
Nadi Pareeksha: – Pulse examination in Ayurveda way and diagnosis of diseases.
Marma chikithsa: – Knowledge regarding
All together completes the Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Therapy Course. This is particularly a career oriented course which is now did by many centers inside and outside India. Build your career as a qualified therapist or ayurveda therapy consultant . We welcome you to explore our tradition and culture too.

Study Natural system of healing of India – Ayurveda:
–Go through the roots. We offer you the best place to study Ayurveda Courses with good amenities and places to visit. Authorized School of Ayurveda and Panchakarma courses in North Kerala , closest to airport and easily approachable place with abundance of cultural, historical monuments and water resourvoires. Best Ayurveda short term courses at your finger tip. Join now!!!

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