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Adults & Aged Care During Covid 19

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Adults & Aged Care During Covid 19

Adults & Aged Care During Covid 19

Drink lot of water , either boiled with vetiver, basil, acasia catechu or citrus fruit juices.
Use turmeric, curry leaves, ginger, garlic in your diet.
Avoid heavy food, oily, fast foods which makes indigestion in your body.
Use of medicinal herbs like basil, neem, dry ginger,chittamruth (tinospora cordiholia), ramacham,(vetiver),nannari(sarsaparilla- hemidesmus indicus), vayambu(acorus calamus),adalodakam (adathoda vasica), turmeric etc can be used for making decoction and have it twice daily in empty stomach.
Amruthotharam kashayam, hinguvachadi choornam, vasarishtam, guduchyadi kashayam,chyavanaprasham, sudarshanam tablet, vettumaran gulika, vilwadi tablet are some of the medicines that can be taken to prevent disease attack.
Turmeric and curry leaf paste helps to boost resistance power.
Daily intake of gooseberry juice helps to tone up your strength.
5g Triphala powder mixed with honey act as a rejuvenating medicine in human body.