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Infant And Child Care

Infant And Child Care

Infant And Child Care

Breast feeding is the best immunizer for infants. So mothers should follow a healthy diet.
If the baby is constipated, take 2 or 3 drops of castor oil and apply around the umbilicus and do clockwise massage.
If baby is having fever use Panikoorkka(Coleus amboinicus) leaves, make it juicy by keeping it over fire for few seconds and place it over the vertex of baby. Baby above 6 months can be given 5 drops of Panikoorkka leaves or Vasa leaves (Adathoda vasica) mixed with honey for fever and other respiratory diseases.
For fever you can use Gopichandanadi gulika grinded with breast milk or honey, for baby below 6 months.
Above 6 months, ayurvedic medicines like aravindasavam(for all pediatric issues, immunity), vasarishtam(respiratory,bleeding disorders)- 1 drop below 6 months 2 or 3 drops above 6 mnths, 5 drops above 1 yr, gopichandanadi gulika(cold,fever), rajanyadi choornam(indigestion)- mixed with honey can be given.
Water boiled with nalpamaram/ neem/ basil etc medicinal herbs can be used for baby wash.
Tie a piece of Vayambu (Vacha – Acorus calamus) over baby’s waist or leg to protect from germs, virus, bacteria etc.
Chyavanaprash for children helps to develop immunity .
Swarnaprash (ayurvedic vaccination) or Saraswatharishtam can be given to baby to develop immunity, intelligence, memory etc