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Pregnant lady Care at home during Quarantine days.

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Pregnant lady Care at home during Quarantine days.

Pregnant lady Care at home during Quarantine days.

Detailed studies ,medicines, pregnancy – maternity care , how to ease the labour without complications and pain, month wise pregnancy care , post delivery care for mother and baby, natural contraceptives, infertility problems for gents and ladies, general pregnancy diseases and new born care and solutions for new born disorders are well explained in this contest.

So this will really helps you to get a healthy offspring. If you are planning for a baby start the preparation 6 months prior. Your body has to be cleansed inside & outside, thus developing a fertile and good platform for the growth of the embryo. It doesn’t matter if you are healthy or non healthy.

Be you and be authentic. Be your favorite kind of women even after pregnancy. How to get rid of post partum difficulties like pain, stretch marks, itching, acidity etc. Nourish yourself and baby. Doubts regarding breast feeding , muscle sagging can all be prevented with on time care.