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    Do’s and Don’ts

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    Do’s and Don’ts

    • Light, sour, salty, oily and hot substances, jaggery, milk, gram, warm drinking water, old liquor, dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper should be included in the diet.
    • Oleation, sudation, vomiting, medicated smoke inhalation and gargling is useful.
    • The use of garlic, radish, honey and curd together in the diet is beneficial.
    • The patient should avoid bathing, grief, anger, excessive intake of liquid diet, suppression of natural urges, sleeping during the day, without a mattress.
    • Also avoid exposure to cold, dust, wind etc.

    • Easily digestible food is advised.
    • Buttermilk is useful.
    • Avoid overeating.
    • Gargling with salt water, hot bitter medicated water are useful.
    • Fasting

    • Diet should include – milk, wheat, black gram, ladies finger, white gourd, coconut, old rice.
    • Hot surroundings, heavy spicy fried food, sour, excess fluid food, should be avoided

    • Nutritious diet is advised
    • Milk, clarified butter, green vegetable, fruits, wheat, non vegetarian diet, liver soup is advised
    • avoid hot spicy diet, exertion, exposure to Intense sunlight
    • Light liquid diet,cooked vegetable, buttermilk,fruit juices(lemon, pomegranate), coconut water is advised.
    • Heavy, spicy, oily food should be avoided.
    • Rest is advised. avoid physical exertion

    • Cows milk, fruit juices, clarified butter is advised. Avoid hot spicy or oily food.
    • Working near a fire, hot places should be avoided. Rest is advised.

    • Diet should include – milk, clarified butter, wheat, green vegetables.
    • Rest is advised.
    • Avoid exertion, working near fire or in sunlight.

    • Light nutritious diet is advised.
    • Avoid fried, heavy, sweet diets.
    • Excess intake of curd, carbohydrates, milk products should be avoided.
    • Day sleep, sedentary jobs, oily food, smoking, alcohol, sour food, jaggery should be avoided
    • Foods that are warm, oily, heavy, sweet are advisable.
    • Minimise : Foods that are dry, pungent, bitter ,sour,salty and astringent.
    • Green leafy vegetables ,beets, carrots, asparagus, cucumbers and sweet potatoes are good.
    • Include fish, green leafy vegetables, eggs, sprouted grains, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, carrots, cod liver oil.
    • Apply oil on sole and massage daily
    • Diet include- Foods that are warm, oily, heavy, sweet, sour and salty.
    • Reduce – Foods that are cold, light, dry, pungent, bitter and astringent.
    • All diary products pacify vata dosha
    • Vata raducing spices: peas, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, courgettes, spinach(small amt). Its best to avoid sprouts and cabbage

    • Drink more water.
    • Avoid spicy, bitter, salty foods
    • Include barley, liquid food items more.
    • Coconut water is like nectar in this case.
    • Include beans, fruit juices more.