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Hematopoietic System


The disease in which the desire for food, daily activities, sex etc is lost is called as kamala.

Causes :

  • Intake of dry, cold, heavy, sweet food in excess, heavy exercise, suppression of natural urges causes vitiation vata dosha.
  • Heavy and sweet food causes vitiation of kapha, which in turn causes obstruction to the flow of pitta. Pitta gets collected in Pittashaya.

Symptoms :

  • Eyes, urine, skin become yellowish in colour.
  • Pain in the right upper area of the abdomen.
  • weakness, backache, fever, loss of taste and appetite.
  • nausea, vomiting, distance of abdomen.

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Herbs with digestive properties are used.
  • Arogyavardhini vati, kumaryasava, sootashekhar rasa
  • Diet – heavy fatty food should be avoided. Cow’s milk and fruit juice are advisable.
  • Avoid excess physical exertion.


The vitiated pitta gets mixed with rakta. Pitta acquies the smell and colour of rakta. There being a close association or combination of rakta and Pitta the disease is named as Rakta-pitta.

Causes :

  • Excessive intake of hot, spicy, salty food, use of grains like beans, black gram, legumes, curd, buttermilk, eating flesh of pink, buffalo, Sheep, dry vegetable, garlic, mustard, alcohol, fermented food, milk with sour fruits, indigestion, suppression of natural urges, day sleep, anger etc

Symptoms :

  • Bleeding from orifices
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pallor
  • Burning sensation
  • Breathlessness, thirst, change of voice, fever

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Vasarishtam
  • Sutasekhar rasa
  • Vasa ghrta,
  • Satavari ghrta

Pada Daha

Burning sensation at feet

Causes :

  • Prolonged walking

Symptoms :

  • Vata gets provoked by excessive prolonged walking.This provoked vata along with pitta and rakta produces burning sensation in feet. This burning sensation increases due to walking.

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Use of herbs like sariva, manjistha, sandal, vetiver etc
  • Useful preparations – Rasna kwatha, mahayogaraja guggulu.

Pleeha Roga

Provoked vata vitiates rakta and produces this disease. Pleeha means spleen.
Spleen gets enlarged and pain is produced in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen.

Causes :

  • The vata provoking and blood vitiating causes .
  • Chronic fever, irregular fever, diminution in fatty tissue.

Symptoms :

  • Displacement of spleen.
  • Slight enlargement
  • Pain, distension of abdomen, constipation
  • burning sensation, fever, thirst, jaundice, anaemia
  • vomiting sensation, loss of appetite, edema, heaviness

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Kumaryasava
  • Rohitakarishta
  • Arogyavardhini vati


The disease in which slowly and slowly a solid oedema develops, is called as sleepada.

Causes :

  • Kapha aggravating factors like The area which become muddy due to improper drainage of rainwater and where there is excessive cold in all the seasons, this disease is more prevalent.
  • Intake of food which is Guru, cold, sweet, working heavily in humid and cold condition, leads to vitiation of kapha and causation of slipada.

Symptoms :

  • Severe pain, dryness and black discoloration.
  • Burning and yellowish discoloration
  • Palllor, oiliness, heaviness and solid,painless glandular oedema.

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Pippalyadi churna
  • Arogyavardhini vati
  • Tribuvanakirti rasa

Kilas Kushta

This is also known as Switra kushta

Causes :

  • The sins or bad deeds of past life, faulty social behaviour like insulting superiors, irregularities in diet and activities
  • Food of opposite qualities

Symptoms :

  • Reddish, rough and may disappear.
  • Burning sensation
  • Whitish, oily,large with itching.

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Khadirarishta
  • Manjishtadi quatha
  • Do leech therapy
  • Gandhaka rasayana,vajraka ghrta, arogyavardhini vati,manjishtadi kwatha, sarvanga sundhara vati, Mahatiktaka ghrta

Nyachha(Birth Marks) – Vyanga- Nilika(Pigmentation)

Nyachha – blackish painless circles appear on the skin. it is of different shapes. this has been present since birth. they are one or two only on the whole body. this is not a disease and has no treatment.
vata getting aggravated by anger and exertion, combining with pitta, reaching the face quickly, gives rise to a patch on the skin, which is painless, thin and blue, this is known as vyanga.
that which develops on the body or face with similar features but black in colour is known as nilika

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Kumkumadi+eladi-night
  • Manjishta+honey
  • Eladichoornam+sariba+nalpamara Choorna+milk
  • Arjuna Twak Paste+milk/honey
  • Manjishtadi Ksm,drakshadi Ksm


● Excessive shedding of flakes of skin
● Scalp skin flakes off once in a month normally – in dandruff happens every 2 to 7 days
● Darunaka (Kapha vata condition)
● Itching, dryness, scaling

Causes :

  • Generally smaller, less oily
  • Oily skin : Red , greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales
  • Not shampooing often : Unhygienic – oils and skin cells build up

Symptoms :

  • Itching
  • Hair fall
  • Scaling from scalp, whitish scales

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Avoid abhishyandhi, rooksha, vatakara ahaaras.
  • Internally : Aragwadadi kashayam, manjishtadi kashayam, saribadhyasavam, khadirarishtam.
  • Externally – shirodhara – triphala, nimba ksh, pack – eladi choornam + curd + triphala, henna, protein treatment, hot oil massage with eladi, durdhoorapatradi.


This is a skin ailment that affects all the hair- bearing skin including beard and scalp. Patients who are suffering from indralupta experience loss of hair which is not like the usual hair loss but rather tufts of hair which tend to fall out over a short period of time. Vata and pitta get localized in the hair pores in the scalp region in aggravated condition.

Ayurvedic Remedies :

  • Internal : Hair fall treatments using aragwadadi ksm, panchatiktakam ksm, aragwadarishtam, khadirarishtam
  • External : Siravebham, prachanam, dhatoora lepanam, triphala choorna lekhanam, malathyadi + triphala lepanam, indralupta mashi.

Hematopoietic System